Our Power is our unity and solidarity”

Coming together is a starting, being together is a development and working together is a success.

In our Human Resources processes;
Our aim is to develop our manpower continuously and to ensure our lasting superiority in global competitive environment by sticking to the principles of Equal Opportunity For Everybody, Assessment Based On Success, Right Person For Right Job, Salary Based on Competency and Performance.

Our Human Resources Principles :

* Giving particular importance to the motivation of our employees and their loyalty to the company,

* Applying a fair performance based salary system,

* Providing a sustainable self development environment,

* Making man power and work force planning and organizational back up,

* Planning the careers of the individuals systematically in line with the requirements of the organization and providing opportunity to their developments,

* Giving feedbacks to the individuals related to their performances,

* Producing employment according to the requirements and qualifications,

* Encouraging the social and cultural activities.

Vacant Positions

Foreign Trade Importation Specialist

Marketing Specialist